Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Real Paint!

Sometimes I paint from life.

3 hour head study. I accidentally toned my canvas with neon orange... but I kinda liked the effect, in the end.

And some Provo trees.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We've started work on the new BYU Animation short film! It takes place in a salon in Spain. And I think that's all I'm going to tell you about it. But be ready for awesomeness, come 2012.

Some of my concept sketches for the main character:

This weekend my friend, Jake Wyatt, comic artist extraordinaire, was kind enough to teach me how to use photoshop brushes more effectively. It was a revelation. Turns out, painting in Photoshop does not have to be a headache producing ordeal. These were actually quite fun. So, thanks Jake.