Sunday, August 05, 2012

Subway Surfing

A warm-up sketch from this week. I'll be honest, the subway system was pretty high up on my list of reasons to move to NYC. Being able to read or sketch while traveling makes even the packed rush hour cars worth it. Though I have more than once gotten so engrossed I've missed my stop. Oops.


Jenna Krewson said...

Ah, you're taking me back, girl. You haven't lived 'til you've read a captivating book while making sure you don't fall over. (Or miss your stop.) =)

Katie Bevan said...

I love this! Subway surfing is the best, especially when not holding on to anything.

K Cummings said...

Fun sketch. Have you seen this blog? Pics of subway readers. Maybe they'll catch you next. :)